
GPS coordinates: 53°35.782\' N, 27°40.990\' E  (NAVITEL)
Our address is as follows: : 222845 Ptich village, Pukhovichi district, Minsk region, BELARUS.

Public Transport
Dudutki destination is currently out of reach by civil transport; terminal help desk – 114
weekdays (Mon-Fri)
For Dudutki For Minsk
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weekends (Sat, Sun)
For Dudutki For Minsk
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*terminal help desk – 114

To get information needed and any information or to book an excursion, contact us from 10.00 till 17.00 on
+ 375 17 133-07-47
+ 375 29 602-52-50
+ 375 17 132-11-77
+ 375 29 603-52-50
Download Particulars
We invite you to visit us
on Friday till Sunday
Monday till Thursday are a day off

Mo-Th: days off
Fr-Sun: 1000 - 1800 (enter till 1700)
Dogs are not allowed